Mary Wiseman |  My positionally as an instructional designer, curricularist, social warrior and leader. | Spring 2020

Stakeholders Presentation | May 25, 2020

My stakeholders were two of my NEU research colleagues, both who work at community colleges in New England.

What interested and excited people?
Both stakeholders expressed overall positive feedback.

What concerns were expressed?
Both thought the presentation needed to include reasoning as to why I wanted to do this research and how I hoped to navigate my circuits of power within my site's community. Personally, I am concerned my administrative stakeholders will be very supportive.  I am still not 100% sure my presentation expresses the need for my/this study. I believe it does, however I I have concerns.

Due to COVID-19 I have been working with more faculty, I previously didn't know.  As I continue to expand my faculty relationships, I am noting those who I believe might be open to becoming a stakeholder and co-participant in my study.

Do you need to make any changes in your action plan given the feedback?
Yes, based on my stakeholders' feedback, I added the results from my F1 fieldwork wherein I interviewed a retired online faculty friend [not anyone, from my research site as I had no IRB]. This content is now in the presentation below.

What are your next steps?
Since I am awaiting results of my IRB. Then need to apply for another IRB, at my research site. So, I am not sure precisely when I can share this with my actual site's stakeholders. I do expect I'll be sharing this in a virtual session.

Leadership for Social Justice Synthesis | March 29, 2020

Leveraging my White Privilege | March 1, 2020

November 1, 2019 | My Positionality

Participatory Action Research Using Community To Create Social Change in the Online Classroom. October 20, 2019